Behaviours Assessment
When you want an outcome not a service
The New Intelligence proprietary methodology for ensuring behavioural change in the workplace through training.
Drawing on mainstream paradigms such as ’70-20-10′ and ‘workplace behaviours’ structures we developed the concept of a Programme. This is a long term engagement with our client and subsequently the participants, and is designed to modify behaviours at a fundamental level. The first step in developing a programme is to identify the behaviours that our client wishes to have their personnel exhibit. This can often be a difficult proposition because sometimes our clients are not very clear on the issue. For example, “we want our staff to be more responsible” is not a behaviour, whereas “we want our staff to come into the boss’s office less frequently” is. If personnel are coming to the boss less frequently it means they are taking responsibility for things they previously would have sought direction on.

The most effective way to conduct a Behaviours Assessment is through workshopping and interviews with stakeholders and subsequently practitioners. These interviews are often simple and quick, based on a series of questions we have developed. We also access policy and legislation where possible and avoid previous training regimes of courses as the basis for development. There is no requirement for any preparatory work before the workshop other than to have any participants think realistically and intentionally about our “three questions”.
A Behaviours Assessment workshop which can run up to four hours depending on the size and complexity of the organisation. The workshop requires the attendance of a minimum of 5 individuals and a maximum of 12 who can provide insight into the organisational practices as well as the areas required to be “improved or removed”.
Attendees can range in terms of experience, knowledge, skills, time with the organisation or even understanding of the various roles and responsibilities. The important aspect is to be a clear picture form an outsider’s perspective of some less obvious drivers and issues within the organisation using a behavioural framework.
We will provide a brief report that will outline the results of the workshop. This report can be used by your organisation to engage us or any other providers either internally or externally. This is a stand-alone process that carries no obligation or duty whatsoever and because we require it prior to client engagement it also has no cost to you.
Three Questions
If a training program was to be successful, in three months’ time:
1. What behaviours would I be seeing less of that are relatively common or problematic right now?
2. What behaviours would I still be seeing that are occurring now?
3. What new behaviours would I be seeing that are rare or non-existent now?
“From an evolutionary view, Homo Sapiens emerged from the plains of Africa around 200,000 years ago and its only 250 years ago with the Industrial Revolution that (in Western cultures) we left our hunting, gathering and village societies to work in offices and factories. A mere 250 years is no time at all for our ingrained behavioural instincts to change. Little surprise, therefore, that the behaviour that ensured our survival on the savannah plains of Africa of the millennia is alive and well in the corridors, meeting rooms and offices of today’s organisations.”
Andrew O’Keefe
Hardwired Humans
We hope you enjoy the experience that we intend for our website. We do not intend for it to be a sales tool. We do not believe it should convince you that we are the answer to your problem. We want it to be somewhere for you to see if we are worth your interest and effort. If you are interested and prepared to expend a small amount of time, contact us and we will come and meet with you. We have the research, the applications, the people and the nerve to help you improve in entirely new ways.
Three Questions
If a training program was to be successful, in three months’ time:
1. What behaviours would I be seeing less of that are relatively common or problematic right now?
2. What behaviours would I still be seeing that are occurring now?
3. What new behaviours would I be seeing that are rare or non-existent now?
“From an evolutionary view, Homo Sapiens emerged from the plains of Africa around 200,000 years ago and its only 250 years ago with the Industrial Revolution that (in Western cultures) we left our hunting, gathering and village societies to work in offices and factories. A mere 250 years is no time at all for our ingrained behavioural instincts to change. Little surprise, therefore, that the behaviour that ensured our survival on the savannah plains of Africa of the millennia is alive and well in the corridors, meeting rooms and offices of today’s organisations.”
Andrew O’Keefe
Hardwired Humans
We hope you enjoy the experience that we intend for our website. We do not intend for it to be a sales tool. We do not believe it should convince you that we are the answer to your problem. We want it to be somewhere for you to explore and see if we are worth your interest and effort. If you are interested and prepared to expend a small amount of time, contact us and we will come and meet with you. We have the research, the applications, the people and the nerve to help you improve in entirely new ways.